Rejuvenate’s Partners Benefit from Collaboration Throughout the Kidney Transplant Process

Experience tells kidney transplant recipient Alan Phillips that quality kidney care is a team effort.

His journey to transplant began in 2002 when he discovered he had an inherited form of kidney disease, called polycystic kidney disease or PKD.

“I was angry and upset when I found out I had PKD,” says Phillips. “I started seeing a nephrologist who monitored my kidney disease as it progressed.”

Over time, Phillips’ kidneys continued to weaken, affecting every aspect of his life, from finances to quality time spent with his wife and daughter. He was getting ready to start dialysis to keep him alive when his company connected with the team at Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions, and he received a call that changed his life.

“I told my nephrologist that Rejuvenate had reached out and thought they could help me,” says Phillips. “He said, ‘Why not? Go for it, and I’ll be here if you need me as a resource.’”

Rejuvenate reimagines kidney care by using its Nobel Prize-winning data-driven process to help patients and their payers access kidney transplants faster. No matter where in the United States a patient is located, Rejuvenate works in tandem with their existing medical team to find new ways to avoid or limit the cost and negative impact of dialysis.

Phillips had been on the national transplant waiting list for three and a half years when he first connected with Rejuvenate. Seven weeks later, he was matched with a kidney.

Rejuvenate kept in close communication with Phillips’ nephrologist and his transplant surgeon, Dr. Obi Ekwenna, throughout the transplant process.

“This collaborative effort ensures patients are taken care of. That is our experience with Rejuvenate,” says Ekwenna. “The patients return to their nephrologist post-transplant for their follow-up care, and everyone is happy.”

Now three years post-transplant, Phillips reflects on the overwhelming impact it’s had on his life.

“I feel better,” says Phillips. “I do all the things that I couldn’t before. Karate, swimming, running – I’m back to a normal way of life.”

Ekwenna says he’s very happy – both for Phillips and with the process that led to his patient’s successful outcome.

“This is a gentleman that probably would have had to wait a long time to get a kidney,” says Ekwenna. “Through Rejuvenate’s program, he got a transplant in no time.”

If you are a person with kidney disease or a payer interested in saving healthcare costs and alleviating the burden of kidney disease for those you cover, know that Rejuvenate’s partnerships have helped expedite the path to transplant for thousands of people. Schedule a call with Rejuvenate today to learn how the team can help.