Case Study

Self-insured health care payers make a difference for members and pocketbooks

This case study highlights how employer and multiemployer benefits plans are partnering with Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions to transform the lives of its members and their dependents with end stage renal disease by creating opportunities for kidney transplantation. The results are healthier members and health care cost savings.

Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions partners with self-insured payers to identify kidney failure patients and applies its personalized, proprietary care navigation process to expedite the path to transplantation. Kidney transplantation is considered the gold standard of care for people with severe chronic kidney disease because quality of life and life expectancy are often better than life on dialysis.

“We know the role of benefits directors isn’t just managing health care costs,” says Mark Snyder RKTS chief financial officer and former benefits director. "It's providing the best quality of care and ensuring the best outcomes for your employees."

Success Story

In 2019, Alan Phillips received a kidney transplant after his benefits director connected with the team at Rejuvenate Kidney Transplant Solutions. That was the start of a 5-year relationship with Phillips’ employer that has since generated triple the number of organ transplants for their employees and more than 32% savings in End Stage Renal Disease costs.

Phillips first discovered he had an inherited form of kidney disease called polycystic kidney disease in 2002. Over time, the disease affected every aspect of his life, from finances to missing out on quality time with his wife and daughter. The Rejuvenate Team analyzed the burden of Phillips' Fortune 500 employer's claims data and identified Phillips as a candidate for a transplant. Phillips was getting ready to start dialysis when he received a call from Rejuvenate. Seven weeks after that call, Phillips received a new kidney and he never had to go on dialysis. Rejuvenate saves lives by overcoming barriers to organ transplantation and helps employers save health care costs.

“It’s just unbelievable the change it’s had on my life,” says Phillips. “I feel better and get to do all kinds of things I couldn’t do before.”


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